This binary file holds the information on the satellite data base of the
BBS. This file is very important and must not be edited or changed otherwise
the list of the satellites could be lost. This file can only be opened for

 It is organized with records, each record containing information on a
satellite. Never modify this file while the BBS is running.

 Structure of one record (C language) :

typedef struct {

  char   sat_name[18];  /* 18  Name of the satellite           */
  int    year        ;  /* 2   Year of reference               */
  double day         ;  /* 8   Day of reference                */
  int    month       ;  /* 2   Month of reference              */
  int    hour        ;  /* 2   Hour of reference               */
  int    minute      ;  /* 2   Minute of reference             */
  int    second      ;  /* 2   Second of reference             */
  double inclination ;  /* 8   Inclination                     */
  double raan        ;  /* 8   R.A.A.N.                        */
  double excentricity;  /* 8   Excentricity                    */
  double a_perigee   ;  /* 8   Argument of perigee             */
  double mean_anomaly;  /* 8   Mean anomaly                    */
  double a           ;  /* 8   must be 0.0                     */
  double mean_motion ;  /* 8   mean motion                     */
  double dec_rate    ;  /* 8   Decay rate                      */
  long   revolution  ;  /* 4   Epoch revolution                */
  double frequency   ;  /* 8   Frequency for doppler computing */
  double v           ;  /* 8   must be 0.0                     */
  int    step        ;  /* 2   Step of processing (minutes)    */
  long   last_upd    ;  /* 4   Date of last update             */
  long   catalog     ;  /* 4   NASA Catalog Number             */
  int    free[4]     ;  /* 8   Unused                          */

} satel              ;  /* 138 bytes : lenght of one record    */

In C language, all strings are ended with a NULL (00 hex) character.

This page was last updated 17-Apr-99